full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kristen Bell + Giant Ant: Where does all the carbon we release go?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Where does all the carbon we release go? Carbon wkros in a natural cycle, present in all living things: in the soil, in the ocanes, in the atmosphere and in rocks deep underground. When plants and other living things die, much of their stored carbon makes its way back to the atmosphere until new pltnas grow and reabsorb the carbon.
But over millions of years, some of the carbon stored in ancient teres and sea life becomes rock and some becomes fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. Natural events like volcanic eruptions release some of the carbon trapped in rock. And huamn activities, like burning fssiol fuels, also release some of that prehistoric cboran.

Open Cloze

Where does all the carbon we release go? Carbon _____ in a natural cycle, present in all living things: in the soil, in the ______, in the atmosphere and in rocks deep underground. When plants and other living things die, much of their stored carbon makes its way back to the atmosphere until new ______ grow and reabsorb the carbon.
But over millions of years, some of the carbon stored in ancient _____ and sea life becomes rock and some becomes fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. Natural events like volcanic eruptions release some of the carbon trapped in rock. And _____ activities, like burning ______ fuels, also release some of that prehistoric ______.


  1. plants
  2. carbon
  3. fossil
  4. oceans
  5. works
  6. human
  7. trees

Original Text

Where does all the carbon we release go? Carbon works in a natural cycle, present in all living things: in the soil, in the oceans, in the atmosphere and in rocks deep underground. When plants and other living things die, much of their stored carbon makes its way back to the atmosphere until new plants grow and reabsorb the carbon.
But over millions of years, some of the carbon stored in ancient trees and sea life becomes rock and some becomes fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. Natural events like volcanic eruptions release some of the carbon trapped in rock. And human activities, like burning fossil fuels, also release some of that prehistoric carbon.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

Important Words

  1. activities
  2. ancient
  3. atmosphere
  4. burning
  5. carbon
  6. coal
  7. cycle
  8. deep
  9. die
  10. eruptions
  11. events
  12. fossil
  13. fuels
  14. gas
  15. grow
  16. human
  17. life
  18. living
  19. millions
  20. natural
  21. oceans
  22. oil
  23. plants
  24. prehistoric
  25. present
  26. reabsorb
  27. release
  28. rock
  29. rocks
  30. sea
  31. soil
  32. stored
  33. trapped
  34. trees
  35. underground
  36. volcanic
  37. works
  38. years